Thoughts on the programme: Although I started studying at FAU during the Corona Virus pandemic, which has introduced significant changes to face-to-face education, what I like the most about this master is its holistic approach; this is an interdisciplinary course focused on studying human rights from a legal, philosophical, political, and historical perspective, combining not only theory but, more importantly, case studies. These are the reasons why M.A. Human Rights is a unique programme in this field.
Another significant aspect is the participants’ cultural diversity, who come from different professional backgrounds, which allows establishing an interdisciplinary dialogue, offering the possibility of studying more closely the current situation of human rights in other countries. Finally, the highly qualified academic personnel, with vast experience in this area, the teaching methods, the interactive classes, and the reading that we must carry out for the lectures, confirm that this programme fosters its students’ academic and investigative excellence.
Professional background: I am a graduate of EAFIT University Law School. As a student, I was the Family Law Research Group coordinator, where we developed several projects focused on gender studies and human rights. I worked in a local NGO called “Centro de Consultoría Urbana – C3” as a social sciences researcher for two years. During this time, I had the opportunity to participate in research projects on urban violence, the Colombian armed conflict, human rights, and international humanitarian law, producing reports on the subject. I have also been a volunteer in NGOs in Colombia, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico, working with vulnerable groups such as children, people with disabilities, girls and women victims of sexual violence, and the elderly.
I have a particular interest in contributing to the consolidation and application of the Peace Agreements signed between the Colombian government and the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the Special Jurisdiction for Peace. I firmly believe that this experience will allow me to consolidate my knowledge of human rights, promoting my personal and professional growth, allowing me to work on the defence of minorities and vulnerable groups in my country.