Thoughts on the programme: Human rights challenges and human rights issues can be found in whatever direction we look in the entire world. The existence of an interdisciplinary master, where not only professors but also classmates come from different backgrounds and countries nourishes the seminars and leads to discussions full of learnings and knowledge.
The legal, philosophical and political approach that the master provides is key to strengthen our individual analysis and expand our understanding about human rights situations. The professors are remarkable and always encourage debates that require an holistic thinking. I am very happy to be part of the master’s degree and share the classrooms with such talented people.
Professional background: I did two internships in the Inter-American System of Human Rights, the first one in the Inter-American Court of Human Rights in San José, Costa Rica and the second one in the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights in Washington D.C.
I also worked for one year in the National Commission of Human Rights in the Program against Human Trafficking and volunteered for several months in a migration NGO called “sin Fronteras” helping to promote and protect the human rights of migrants willing to stay in Mexico in order to dignify their living conditions. Currently, I am a professor at the National Autonomous University of Mexico.