We are in virtually in Geneva! On the first day of the virtual field trip to Geneva, the students of the class of 2020/2021 had the opportunity to meet with…
Dear interested students, We are now receiving applications for the academic year 2021/2022. The application deadline is the 30th of June, 2021. Applicants must hold a university degree based on…
In 2020 we have faced a number of challenges, the like of which we have never experienced before. We can look back over the last few months with an entirely…
It is our pleasure to cordially invite you all to the Master’s Degree in Human Rights graduation ceremony. Due to Bavaria’s current regulations, the ceremony will be held entirely online…
The inaugural lecture of the M.A. Human Rights will go entirely digital this year. The event will feature a presentation by Alexa Koenig, Ph.D., JD, executive director of the UC…
On the 2nd of November, professors and staff of the M. A. Human Rights welcomed the new batch of students. This year’s batch is, as all in the past very…
Professors and staffs from the M. A. Human Rights, along with students from the 2019 /2020 batch and a few alumni, got together as a closing activity for the summer…
Our new offices are in Erlangen Tennenlohe, Wetterkreuz 15. Apart from offices for staffs, two lecture rooms, a study room and library, the new office has a moot court room.…
The global outbreak of the Coronavirus has pushed the world to a state of a pandemic. Due to the lack of specific medicine or a vaccine for this virus, the…
During my internship at the Nuremberg Human Rights Center (NHRC), I was able to get an insight into their work, and I mainly learned about and contributed to the NHRC’s…