Financing your studies

Programme costs

As a professional degree, the M.A. Human Rights has to fund itself through tuition fees. The tuition fees for the entire programme are currently 6,000 €. In addition, students are required by law to pay a fee for general student services (the ‘Studierendenwerk’), entitling them to, for example, subsidised meals and other services. Further information can be found on the website of the student union.

Average living costs at FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg

As a student in Erlangen or Nuremberg, your average cost of living will be around 850 EUR per month. Here is a breakdown of costs:

Rent: 250-500 EUR/month
Health insurance: 80-150 EUR/month
Transport: minimum 65 EUR/semester (c.11 EUR/month)
Food: approx. 200 EUR/month
Study materials: approx. 50-100 EUR/month

For more information, visit the webpages of the university or of the Studentenwerk (student union, only in German).

Student jobs

The M.A. Human Rights programme would allow you to seek part-time employment to contribute to your living costs. Normally, our students have mini-jobs at the university, local restaurants and bars, shops, offices or in other places. Depending on your previous qualification, you may also be able to find other employment opportunities in the Erlangen-Nuremberg region. However, you need to make sure that your visa allows you to work. Please check this with the German Embassy in your country.
For more information, visit the homepage of the university or the Stellenwerk.

Student loans

For more information on student loans, please visit


Our M.A. Human Rights meets the criteria of the German Federal Education and Training Assistance Act (BAföG). For information on this financial assistance scheme, check the Higher Education Compass.


For more detailed information on available scholarships, please visit our scholarship page.