Your application will be reviewed by the admissions committee using a points-based system. You can receive up to 100 points, 50 each for your academic and professional background. The academic background is assessed based on the relevance of the subjects you studied and the grades you obtained. The professional experience is assessed on the basis of its relevance in the field of human rights. Applicants who receive at least 70 points are admitted, those receiving 50–69 points are invited to an interview (in person or via video call), and those with less than 50 points are rejected. Please note that the decision on acceptance or rejection will be based only on the merits of your application vis-a-vis the objective of the programme. The regulations for the procedure can be found in section 6 and appendices 2 and 3 of the official degree regulations (published on this web page).
If your university degree(s) is/are equivalent to less than 210 ECTS credits, we need to subject your application to a special procedure in addition to the normal reviewing of the application. We will inform you about the details of this procedure after we received your application. It is therefore important that you include documentation regarding the years of officially prescribed full-time studies—these can differ from the years actually studies—or ECTS credits of your university degree.