An insight in my internship at Nuremberg Human Right Center

During my internship at the Nuremberg Human Rights Center (NHRC), I was able to get an insight into their work, and I mainly learned about and contributed to the NHRC’s social media presence. I drafted, translated, and published Facebook, Instagram and Twitter posts on global and regional human rights-related topics. Therefore, I investigated on issues like conflict minerals, vulnerable groups in the climate crises and frontline services in Nuremberg regarding sexually transmitted diseases. Furthermore, I have received an exceptional impression of the work of the members of NHRC by accompanying them to meetings and seminars. In general, I am delighted with my experience, from which I benefit regarding an understanding of a human rights commitment on both local and global level.

The NHRC is located in Nuremberg. It provides educational material, publications, a library, and a website covering human rights-related topics in English, Spanish, and German. Moreover, the NHRC regularly invites speakers for human rights talks and actively cooperates with human rights-related events in Nuremberg, e.g. the International Nuremberg Rights Award, the German Human Rights Film Award, the Latin America Week, and international human rights conferences. Additionally, members of the educational team of the NHRC give guided tours and offer seminars which cover local and historical human rights-related issues. Members of the NHRC even contribute with their great expertise to national and international committees in Nuremberg, Berlin, and Geneva.


Judith Scheibe

(Judith Scheibe is a student of the M.A. Human Rights programme)